Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Current State of Affairs


There are no members currently but the goal in the near future will be to recruit a community of artists and business people with the aim of content and job creation servicing lower-middle income communities within film/TV. More likely than not the launch platforms will be Vimeo, VHX and Youtube supported by other media outlets like Instagram, Vine and Twitter.

Harnessing the greater-than-average need placed on our demographic means more impassioned pleas and more superior planning when asking for funds. The art of the campaign and community outreach is ours to master.

To be very clear, when I say "our demographic" I mean people who are educated and talented, or otherwise destined to be, but are at or near the poverty line. This also includes anyone without disposable income capable of handling a medical emergency, providing for one's own expenses, or being able to set aside and prepare for a family.

It's hard to lead without content and without first-hand case-studies and preferable to lead from the front. So the steps for this program moving forward require that I fit in personal projects so that my portfolio reflects an active philosophy and service offering.

You can catch up on my personal progress at http://carlosmsanchez.weebly.com. I will be updating this blog monthly as things progress in preparation for development of the community. The first step will be individual outreach for as many as 100 people divided by specific groupings and represented by leaders appointed by criteria to be written and revised by a committee of founders.

B.A.U.S will ultimately become a staging ground in pursuit of financial independence and fringe benefits for its members yet to be included in professional unions within the film and TV industry. Here members will learn to write for grants, mount a social media campaign, employ and protect their peers while contributing to the greater community through youth mentoring or green efforts.

Stay tuned.

Carlos Sanchez

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Roots Behind a College Film Exchange


Primer Tuesdays
by Carlos Sanchez

Vertical IntegrationIn microeconomics and managementvertical integration is an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company. Usually each member of the supply chain produces a different product or (market-specific) service, and the products combine to satisfy a common need.

Vertical integration has also described management styles that bring large portions of the supply chain not only under a common ownership, but also into one corporation (as in the 1920s when the Ford River Rouge Complex began making much of its own steel rather than buying it from suppliers).

Vertical integration is one method of avoiding the hold-up problem. A monopoly produced through vertical integration is called a vertical monopoly.

In the context of film historyAlthough the term [Studio System] is still used today to refer to the organization and output of the major Hollywood studios, historically the term refers to the practice of large motion picture studios, between the 1920s and 1960s, of producing movies primarily on their own filmmaking lots with creative personnel under often long-term contract, and which dominated exhibition through vertical integration, i.e., the ownership or effective control of distributors and exhibition, guaranteeing additional sales of films through manipulative booking techniques.


Disruptive Innovation (according to Lucy Postins, interviewed by Fastcompany):  I think of disruptive innovation as creating something that consumers didn’t realize they needed; it’s developing a product that changes the status quo and refreshes the set of options consumers have, with something new that makes the old options (which they previously thought were fine) suddenly seem dull or flawed.


Context: Filmmaking is more accessible now than ever.  New media, grassroots marketing, crowd-sourcing, micro transactions, and self-distribution offer a means for a dedicated and talented group to sustain themselves independently.  I believe that group exists within the Brooklyn College production community.  I think BCFS can usher in its arrival.

By considering disruptive innovation, we think about the ways that a wide consumer base views and interprets short form media and then proceed to mold that into a demand.

By recognizing and officiating departments that cover the range of producing content under one roof (Production, Development, Marketing and Distribution, Exhibition), we'll be able to create product, set our prices, reverse engineer solvency and create a living for our corner of indie cinema.

We start out doing this the same way we engage a production, we come together and plan it out.


Contact the film society at info.bcfs@gmail.com